/* * Exposure (http://http://exposure.blogocracy.org/) * Copyright (c) 2010 Kristoffer Jelbring * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ (function($) { /** * @name Exposure * @author Kristoffer Jelbring (kris@blogocracy.org) * @version 0.9.1 * * @type jQuery * @cat plugins/Media * * @desc Turn a simple HTML list into a rich and smart photo viewer that handles very large amounts of photos. * * @example $('#images').exposure({options}); * * @options * target: (selector string) Where to insert the image being displayed. Defaults to '#exposure'. If no target is found, one will be created. * showThumbs: (boolean) Display thumbnails or not. Defaults to true. * showControls: (boolean) Display paging controls or not. Defaults to true, but will be set to false if missing controlsTarget or if carouselControl is set to true. * imageControls: (boolean) Switch paging controls to use images instead of pages. Defaults to false. * controls: (object) Display only certain paging controls. All controls default to true. Usage example: controls : { prevNext : true, pageNumbers : true, firstLast : false } * carouselControls: (boolean) Enable carousel type controls instead of the classic paging type controls. Defaults to false, but will be set to false if showThumbs is also set to false. * enableSlideshow: (boolean) Enable slideshow. Defaults to true. * slideshowControlsTarget: (selector string) Where to insert the slideshow controls. Defaults to null. * autostartSlideshow: (boolean) Automatically start the slideshow when the gallery is loaded. Defaults to false. * slideshowDelay: (number) Delay for each slide in the slideshow (in milliseconds). Defauts to 3000. * onSlideshowPlayed: (function) Callback funcation that is called when the slideshow is played. * onSlideshowPaused: (function) Callback funcation that is called when the slideshow is paused. * showCaptions: (boolean) Display captions or not. Captions are added by setting a title attribute on the items in the list. * showExtraData: (boolean) Display extra image data or not. This data is added by inserting inner HTML to the items in the list. * dataTarget: (selector string) Where to insert captions and extra image data. Defaults to null, in which case the data container will appended to the main Exposure target. * controlsTarget: (selector string) Where to insert the paging controls. Defaults to null. * onThumb: (function) Callback function that is called when a thumbnail is displayed. * onImage: (function) Callback function that is called when an image is displayed. Defaults to removing the previous image. * onCarousel: (function) Callback function that is called right before the image carousel is updated. * onNext: (function) Callback function that is called when nextImage is called. * onPrev: (function) Callback function that is called when prevImage is called. * onPageChanged: (function) Callback function that is called when goToPage is called. Is not called when carouselControls is set. Defaults to showing all thumbnails on the current page. * onPagingLink: (function) Callback function that is called when a new paging link has been added. Defaults to returning the link. * separatePageBrowsing: (boolean) Enable separate page browsing (change page without changing the image being viewed). Defaults to false. * loop: (boolean) Start over when last image is reached. * onEndOfLoop: (function) Callback function that is called when the last image is reached and loop option is set to false. * viewFirstImage: (boolean) Enable automatic showing of the first image in the gallery when the gallery is loaded. Defaults to true. * pageSize: (number) Maximum number of images (thumbnails) per page. Defaults to 5. * visiblePages: (number) Maxium number of pages visible in paging. * preloadBuffer: (number) Maximum number of images to keep in load queue at any given time. Defaults to 3. * keyboardNavigation: (boolean) Enable keyboard navigation. Defaults to true. * clickingNavigation: (boolean) Enable browsing by clicking the image being shown. Defaults to true. * fixedContainerSize: (boolean) Enable a fixed size target element (set the size using CSS) instead of one that adapts to the size of the current image. Defaults to false. * maxWidth: (number) Maximum image width in the gallery (larger images will be downscaled). Defaults to null. * maxHeight: (number) Maximum image height in the gallery (larger images will be downscaled). Defaults to null. * stretchToMaxSize: (boolean) Stretch all images to maxWidth and maxHeight. Defaults to false. * fullScreen: (boolean) Stretch all images to be viewn in full screen. Defaults to false. * onEnterFullScreen: (function) Callback function that is called when entering full screen mode. Defaults to showing background mask. * onExitFullScreen: (function) Callback function that is called when exiting full screen mode. Defaults to hiding target and background mask. * showThumbToolTip: (boolean) Display captions as thumbnail tooltips or not. Defaults to true. * onEmpty: (function) Called when the gallery is empty. Defaults to removing controls and targets and to hiding the list element that the plugin is called on. * onInit: (function) Called when the gallery has been initialized. * allowDuplicates: (boolean) Allow the same image to be added more than once. Defaults to true. * jsonSource: (JSON data string/URL to JSON data/JSON object) Load additional images from an external source using JSON. Defaults to null. */ var $$ = $.fn.exposure = function($args) { var v = "0.9.1"; var i; var $defaults = { target : '#exposure', showThumbs : true, showControls : true, imageControls : false, controls : { prevNext : true, firstLast : true, pageNumbers : true }, carouselControls: false, enableSlideshow : true, slideshowControlsTarget : null, autostartSlideshow : true, slideshowDelay : 3000, onSlideshowPlayed : function() {}, onSlideshowPaused : function() {}, showCaptions : true, showExtraData : true, dataTarget : null, controlsTarget : null, onThumb : function(thumb) {}, onImage : function(image, imageData, thumb) { $('.exposureWrapper > .exposureLastImage').remove(); }, onCarousel : function(firstImage, lastImage) {}, onNext : function() {}, onPrev : function() {}, onPageChanged : function() { $('.exposureThumbs li.current').show().each(function(i) { var imageHeight = $(this).find('img').height(); if (imageHeight > 0) { $(this).height(imageHeight); } }); }, onPagingLink : function(link) { return link; }, separatePageBrowsing : false, loop : true, onEndOfLoop : function() {}, pageSize : 5, viewFirstImage : true, visiblePages : 2, preloadBuffer : 3, keyboardNavigation : true, clickingNavigation : false, fixedContainerSize : false, maxWidth : null, maxHeight : null, stretchToMaxSize : false, fullScreen : false, onEnterFullScreen : function(mask) { mask.show(); }, onExitFullScreen : function(target, mask) { target.hide(); mask.hide(); }, showThumbToolTip : true, onEmpty : function() { $('.exposureThumbs').hide(); $($.exposure.target).remove(); if ($.exposure.showControls) { $($.exposure.controlsTarget).remove(); } if ($.exposure.slideshowControlsTarget) { $($.exposure.slideshowControlsTarget).remove(); } }, onInit : function() {}, allowDuplicates : true, jsonSource : null }; var opts = $.extend($defaults, $args); for (i in opts) { if ($$.defined($defaults[i])) { $.exposure[i] = opts[i]; } } if (!$($.exposure.target).length) { // The target element is missing so it needs to be created. $('
').insertBefore($(this)); } var wrapper = $('
'); var target = $($.exposure.target).addClass('exposureTarget').append(wrapper); if ($.exposure.showCaption || $.exposure.showExtraData) { // Determine which image data to display (caption and/or additional data). var dataElementsHtml = ''; if ($.exposure.showCaptions) { dataElementsHtml += '
'; } if ($.exposure.showExtraData) { dataElementsHtml += '
'; } // Append image data container. var dataElements = $(dataElementsHtml); if (dataElements.length) { if ($.exposure.dataTarget && $($.exposure.dataTarget).length) { $($.exposure.dataTarget).addClass('exposureData').append(dataElements); } else { $.exposure.dataTarget = null; target.append($('
').append(dataElements)); } } } // Don't use carousel controls if not showing thumbs. if (!$.exposure.showThumbs) { $.exposure.carouselControls = false; } // Don't show paging controls if using carousel controls, or if there is no controls target or if all individual controls have been turned off. if ($.exposure.carouselControls || !$.exposure.controlsTarget || (!$.exposure.controls.prevNext && !$.exposure.controls.firstLast && !$.exposure.controls.pageNumbers)) { $.exposure.showControls = false; } // Render controls. if ($.exposure.showControls) { $($.exposure.controlsTarget).addClass('exposureControls').each(function() { if ($.exposure.controls.firstLast) { $(this).append($('' + $.exposure.texts.first + '').click($.exposure.first)); } if ($.exposure.controls.prevNext) { $(this).append($('' + $.exposure.texts.previous + '').click($.exposure.prev)); } if ($.exposure.controls.pageNumbers) { $(this).append($('
')); } if ($.exposure.controls.prevNext) { $(this).append($('' + $.exposure.texts.next + '').click($.exposure.next)); } if ($.exposure.controls.firstLast) { $(this).append($('' + $.exposure.texts.last + '').click($.exposure.last)); } }); } // Only render slideshow controls if there is a slideshow controls target. if ($.exposure.enableSlideshow && $.exposure.slideshowControlsTarget) { $($.exposure.slideshowControlsTarget).addClass('exposureSlideshowControls').each(function() { $(this).append($('' + $.exposure.texts.play + '').click($.exposure.playSlideshow)); $(this).append($('' + $.exposure.texts.pause + '').hide().click($.exposure.pauseSlideshow)); }); } // Bind keys for navigation (using Hotkeys Plugin). if ($.exposure.keyboardNavigation) { $(document).bind('keyup', 'left', $.exposure.prevImage); $(document).bind('keyup', 'right', $.exposure.nextImage); $(document).bind('keyup', 'ctrl+left', $.exposure.prevPage); $(document).bind('keyup', 'ctrl+right', $.exposure.nextPage); $(document).bind('keyup', 'up', $.exposure.lastImage); $(document).bind('keyup', 'down', $.exposure.firstImage); $(document).bind('keyup', 'ctrl+up', $.exposure.lastPage); $(document).bind('keyup', 'ctrl+down', $.exposure.firstPage); if ($.exposure.enableSlideshow) { $(document).bind('keyup', 'space', $.exposure.toggleSlideshow); } } if ($.exposure.fullScreen) { $(window).resize($.exposure.fitToWindow); $('
').click($.exposure.exitFullScreen).insertAfter(target); if ($.exposure.keyboardNavigation) { $(document).bind('keyup', 'esc', $.exposure.exitFullScreen); } } var jsonImages = null; if ($.exposure.jsonSource) { if ($$.object($.exposure.jsonSource)) { jsonImages = $.exposure.jsonSource; } else if ($.exposure.jsonSource.length) { if ($$.startsWith($.exposure.jsonSource, "http://") || $$.startsWith($.exposure.jsonSource, "https://")) { // Fetch JSON images using AJAX from specified URL source. jsonImages = $.ajax({url : $.exposure.jsonSource, type : 'GET', async : false }).responseText; } else { jsonImages = $.exposure.jsonSource; } } } // Return "this" to maintain chainability. return this.addClass('exposureThumbs').each(function() { var i; if (jsonImages) { var images = $$.object(jsonImages) ? jsonImages : $.parseJSON(jsonImages); if (images && images.data) { // Append images fetched from JSON source to the list of images. for (i in images.data) { var photo = images.data[i]; if (photo.source && photo.source.length) { var item = $('
  • '); var link = $('').attr('href', photo.source); if (photo.thumb_source && photo.thumb_source.length) { var thumb = $('').attr('src', photo.thumb_source); if (photo.caption && photo.caption.length) { thumb.attr('title', photo.caption); } link.append(thumb); } else if (photo.caption && photo.caption.length) { link.attr('title', photo.caption); } item.append(link); if (photo.extra_data && photo.extra_data.length) { item.append($(photo.extra_data)); } $(this).append(item); } } } } var foundImage = false; var foundThumb = false; if ($(this).children('li').length) { var selectedIndex = null; $(this).show().children('li').each(function() { foundImage = true; // The a tag contains all the needed information about the image. var a = $(this).find('a'); if (a.length) { // Use only the first matching link. a = $(a[0]); var src = a.attr('href'); var img = a.find('img'); // Get caption and thumbnail source from either nested img tag or from rel attribute. var thumbSrc = img.length ? img.attr('src') : a.attr('rel'); var caption = img.length ? img.attr('title') : a.attr('title'); var isSelected = a.hasClass('selected') && !selectedIndex; // Remove link and extract additional image data. a.remove(); var thumbData = $(this).html(); if (thumbSrc) { foundThumb = true; } // All information extracted, remove original list entry. $(this).remove(); // Add image to list of images. var imageIndex = $$.newImage(src, thumbSrc, caption, thumbData); if (imageIndex > -1) { if (isSelected) { selectedIndex = imageIndex; } if ($$.loadQueue.length < $.exposure.preloadBuffer) { // Preload buffer hasn't been filled yet, add image to load queue. $$.addToLoadQueue(imageIndex); } } } else { // Just remove this empty entry. $(this).remove(); } }); if (!$.exposure.showThumbs) { // Thumbnails are turned off, change page size to 1. $.exposure.pageSize = 1; // Remove the thumbnails container. $('.exposureThumbs').remove(); } if (foundImage) { // Start preloading the first image. $$.preloadNextInQueue(); $$.createPaging(); if (selectedIndex) { $.exposure.goToPage($.exposure.pageNumberForImage(selectedIndex)); $.exposure.viewImage(selectedIndex); } else { // View the first page (and the first image). $.exposure.goToPage(1); } if ($.exposure.enableSlideshow && $.exposure.autostartSlideshow) { $.exposure.playSlideshow(); } } else { $.exposure.onEmpty(); } } else { $.exposure.onEmpty(); } $.exposure.onInit(); $$.initialized = true; }); }; // Private functions and properties. These are only for internal use. /** * Check if a variable is defined. * * @param v Variable to check. */ $$.defined = function(v) { return typeof v !== 'undefined'; }; /** * Check if a variable is an object. * * @param v Variable to check. */ $$.object = function(v) { return typeof v === 'object'; }; /** * Check if a string starts with another string. * * @param s1 String to check. * @param s2 String to look for. */ $$.startsWith = function(s1, s2) { if (s1 && s2) { return s1.match("^"+s2) === s2; } return false; }; /** * Calculate the differance in outerwidth and width of an element. * * @param el The element to check. * @returns Width differance. */ $$.widthDiff = function(el) { return el ? el.outerWidth(true)-el.width() : 0; }; /** * Calculate the differance in outerHeight and height of an element. * * @param el The element to check. * @returns Height differance. */ $$.heightDiff = function(el) { return el ? el.outerHeight(true)-el.height() : 0; }; /** * Value object representing an image in the viewer. * * @param src Source to the full size image. * @param thumb Source to thumbnail version of the image. * @param caption Image caption. * @param data Extra image data. */ $$.Image = function(src, thumb, caption, data) { this.src = src; this.thumb = thumb; this.caption = caption; this.data = data; this.loaded = false; }; /** * All the images in the viewer. Holds an array of Image objects that are filled up when the plugin is loaded. */ $$.images = []; /** * All the image sources that's been previously added to the viewer. */ $$.sources = {}; /** * Create a new Image object and add it to images array. * * @param src Source to the full size image. * @param thumb Source to thumbnail version of the image. * @param caption Image caption. * @param data Extra image data. * @returns Index of the new image. */ $$.newImage = function(src, thumb, caption, data) { var alreadyAdded = $$.defined($$.sources[src]); if (alreadyAdded && !$.exposure.allowDuplicates) { return -1; } var image = new $$.Image(src, thumb, caption, data); var imageIndex = $$.images.push(image) - 1; if (!alreadyAdded) { $$.sources[src] = imageIndex; } return imageIndex; }; /** * Initialization flag. */ $$.initialized = false; /** * Index of the image currently being viewed. */ $$.current = -1; /** * Deselect the image currently being viewed. */ $$.deselectCurrentImage = function() { $$.current = -1; $('.exposureThumbs li.active').removeClass('active'); }; /** * The load queue, holds an array of indices of images to load. */ $$.loadQueue = []; /** * Add an image to the load queue. * * @param index Index of image to add. */ $$.addToLoadQueue = function(index) { if (!$$.loaded(index) && !$$.queued(index)) { $$.loadQueue.push(index); } }; /** * Check if a specific image exists in the load queue. * * @param index Index of image to check. */ $$.queued = function(index) { return $.inArray(index, $$.loadQueue) > -1; }; /** * Check if a specific image has been loaded. * * @param index Index of image to check. */ $$.loaded = function(index) { var image = $.exposure.getImage(index); if (image !== null) { return image.loaded; } return false; }; /** * Find the next, not already loaded image, in the load queue. This function is recursive and will continue until * an image is found, or until the queue is empty. */ $$.nextInLoadQueue = function() { var i; if ($$.loadQueue.length > 0) { var next = $$.loadQueue.shift(); if ($$.loaded(next)) { // Image already loaded, remove from load queue. i = $.inArray(index, $$.loadQueue); $$.loadQueue.splice(i, 1); // Find next in queue. return $$.nextInLoadQueue(); } return next; } return null; }; /** * Preload the next image in the load queue. */ $$.preloadNextInQueue = function() { if ($$.loadQueue.length > 0) { var nextIndex = $$.nextInLoadQueue(); if (nextIndex !== null) { $$.loadImage(nextIndex, $$.preloadNextInQueue); } } }; /** * Load a specific page. * * @param page Number of the page to load. * @param imageToView Index of the image to view (defaults to viewing first image on page if this parameter isn't set). */ $$.loadPage = function(page, imageToView) { if ($$.validPage(page)) { // Calculate first and last images on this page. var last = page * $.exposure.pageSize; var first = last - $.exposure.pageSize; if (last > $$.images.length) { last = $$.images.length; } $$.pageTransition = true; $$.viewThumbs(first, last-1); if (!$.exposure.separatePageBrowsing) { if (imageToView) { // Moving backwards, set the last image on the page as active. $.exposure.viewImage(imageToView); } else { if (page > 1 || ((page === 1 && $.exposure.viewFirstImage) || $$.initialized)) { // Set the first image on this page as active. $.exposure.viewImage(first); } } } $$.pageTransition = false; } }; /** * Views thumbnails for a specific set of images (and creates them if needed). * * @param first Index of the first image to view. * @param last Index of the last image to view. */ $$.viewThumbs = function(first, last) { var i; if ($.exposure.showThumbs) { // Go through images in set. for (i = first; i <= last; i++) { $$.viewThumb(i, i === first, i === last, true); } if (!$.exposure.carouselControls && $$.currentPage < $.exposure.numberOfPages()) { // Preload next page of thumbnails. var firstNext = last+1; var lastNext = last+$.exposure.pageSize; if (lastNext >= $$.images.length) { lastNext = $$.images.length-1; } for (i = firstNext; i <= lastNext; i++) { var container = $$.viewThumb(i, i === firstNext, i === lastNext, false); if (container && container.length) { container.hide(); } } } } }; /** * View thumbnail for a specific image (and create it if needed). * * @param index Index of the image to view. * @param first If the image is the first on the page. * @param last If the image is the last on the page. * @param current If the image is a part of the current page. */ $$.viewThumb = function(index, first, last, currentPage) { // Make sure image index is in scope. if (index < 0) { index = $$.images.length + index; } else if (index >= $$.images.length) { index = index - $$.images.length; } var image = $$.images[index]; // Find thumbnail container. var container = $.exposure.getThumb(index).parent(); if (!container.length) { // Create a thumbnail if one doesn't already exist. container = $$.createThumbForImage(image, index); // Add page number as rel attribute. container.attr('rel', $.exposure.pageNumberForImage(index)); } if (container.length) { // Append in the end of the container in order to save the ordering of the images. container.parent().append(container); if (first) { // Decorate thumbnail container for first image on page. container.addClass('first'); } else { container.removeClass('first'); } if (last) { // Decorate thumbnail container for last image on page. container.addClass('last'); } else { container.removeClass('last'); } if (currentPage) { if ($.exposure.carouselControls) { container.show(); } else { container.addClass('current'); } } } return container; }; /** * Load a specific image. * * @param index Index of image to load. * @param onload Image onload callback function. */ $$.loadImage = function(index, onload) { var image = $.exposure.getImage(index); var img = $('').addClass('exposureImage'); var i; if (image !== null) { image.loaded = true; if ($$.queued(index)) { // Since image already has been loaded, remove it from the load queue. i = $.inArray(index, $$.loadQueue); $$.loadQueue.splice(i, 1); } if (typeof onload === 'function') { img.load(onload); } img.attr('src', image.src); } return img; }; /** * Create a thumbnail for a specific image. * * @param image Image object for the image. * @param image Index of the image. */ $$.createThumbForImage = function(image, index) { if ($.exposure.showThumbs) { var thumb = $.exposure.getThumb(index); if (thumb === null || !thumb.length) { // Create thumbnail container. var container = $('
  • '); $('.exposureThumbs').append(container); // Create thumbnail img element. thumb = $(''); if (image.thumb) { thumb.attr('src', image.thumb); } else { // Create a thumbnail from the original image. thumb.attr('src', image.src); // Downscale the new thumbnail. var imageWidth = Math.ceil(thumb.width() / thumb.height() * container.height()); var imageHeight = Math.ceil(thumb.height() / thumb.width() * container.width()); if (imageWidth < imageHeight) { thumb.css({height: 'auto', maxWidth: container.width()}); } else { thumb.css({width: 'auto', maxHeight: container.height()}); } } container.append(thumb.css('display', 'block')); // Add image index and caption as attributes. thumb.attr('rel', index); if (image.caption && $.exposure.showThumbToolTip) { thumb.attr('title', image.caption); } // Save extra image data in thumbnail data. thumb.data('data', image.data); thumb.click(function() { // When a thumbnail is clicked, view full version of that image. $.exposure.viewImage(Number($(this).attr('rel'))); }); thumb.load(function() { // Set the height of the thumbnail container to the height of the thumbnail. var imageHeight = $(this).height(); if (imageHeight > 0) { $(this).parent().height(imageHeight); } }); $.exposure.onThumb(thumb); return container; } } return null; }; /** * Number of the page currently being viewed. */ $$.currentPage = 1; /** * Check if a specific page number is a valid page number. * * @param page Page number to check. */ $$.validPage = function(page) { return page > 0 && page <= $.exposure.numberOfPages(); }; /** * Create paging links. */ $$.createPaging = function() { var i; if ($.exposure.showControls && $.exposure.controls.pageNumbers) { // Create paging links. var stop = $.exposure.imageControls ? $.exposure.numberOfImages() : $.exposure.numberOfPages(); $('.exposurePaging').each(function() { for (i = 1; i <= stop; i++) { $(this).append($$.newPagingLink(i)); } }); } }; /** * Update paging links. */ $$.updatePaging = function(newActivePage) { if ($.exposure.showControls && $.exposure.controls.pageNumbers) { var current = $.exposure.imageControls ? $$.current+1 : $$.currentPage; $('.exposurePaging span.active').each(function() { $(this).replaceWith($$.newPagingLink(current)); }); $('.exposurePaging a[rel="' + newActivePage + '"]').each(function() { $(this).replaceWith($('' + newActivePage + '').addClass('active')); }); var pageCount = $.exposure.imageControls ? $.exposure.numberOfImages() : $.exposure.numberOfPages(); if ($.exposure.visiblePages > 0 && pageCount > $.exposure.visiblePages) { var firstVisiblePage = newActivePage; var lastVisiblePage = $.exposure.visiblePages; var flooredVisiblePages = Math.floor($.exposure.visiblePages/2); if (newActivePage <= flooredVisiblePages) { firstVisiblePage = 1; } else if (newActivePage > (pageCount - flooredVisiblePages)) { lastVisiblePage = pageCount; firstVisiblePage = lastVisiblePage - $.exposure.visiblePages + 1; } else { firstVisiblePage -= flooredVisiblePages; lastVisiblePage = firstVisiblePage + $.exposure.visiblePages - 1; } $('.exposurePaging').each(function() { $(this).children().each(function(i) { var currentPage = i+1; if (currentPage >= firstVisiblePage && currentPage <= lastVisiblePage) { $(this).show(); } else { $(this).hide(); } }); }); } } }; /** * Create a new paging link for a specific page. * * @param page Index of the image/number of the page (depending on the imageControls setting) to create the link for. */ $$.newPagingLink = function(index) { return $.exposure.onPagingLink($('' + index + '').click(function() { // View the image/page defined in the rel attribute of the link. var rel = Number($(this).attr('rel')); if ($.exposure.imageControls) { $.exposure.viewImage(rel-1); } else { $.exposure.goToPage(rel); } })); }; /** * Page transition state. */ $$.pageTransition = false; /** * Slideshow playing state. */ $$.playingSlideshow = false; /** * Holds the timer for the slideshow. */ $$.slideshowTimer = null; /** * Slideshow transition state. */ $$.slideshowTransition = false; /** * Recursive function that runs nextImage() after given delay. Don't use this directly, use playSlideshow() instead. */ $$.slideshow = function() { $$.slideshowTimer = setTimeout(function() { $$.slideshowTransition = true; $.exposure.nextImage(); $$.slideshowTransition = false; $$.slideshow(); }, $.exposure.slideshowDelay); }; /** * Full screen state. */ $$.infullScreen = false; /** * Calculate actual max width (subtract padding, margin and borders of image and container), */ $$.actualMaxWidth = function(image, target) { return $.exposure.maxWidth ? $.exposure.maxWidth-($$.widthDiff(image)+$$.widthDiff(target)) : 0; }; /** * Calculate actual max height (subtract padding, margin and borders of image and container), */ $$.actualMaxHeight = function(image, target) { return $.exposure.maxHeight ? $.exposure.maxHeight-($$.heightDiff(image)+$$.heightDiff(target)) : 0; }; /** * Fix image to max size. */ $$.fitToMaxSize = function(image) { var target = $('.exposureTarget'); if ($.exposure.stretchToMaxSize) { if ($.exposure.maxWidth) { // Stretch to maxWidth. image.width($$.actualMaxWidth(image, target)); } if ($.exposure.maxHeight) { // Stretch to maxHeight. image.height($$.actualMaxHeight(image, target)); } } else { if (image.width() > image.height()) { // Landscape format image, fit to width first. $$.fitToMaxWidth(image, target); $$.fitToMaxHeight(image, target); } else if (image.height() > image.width()) { // Portrait format image, fit to height first. $$.fitToMaxHeight(image, target); $$.fitToMaxWidth(image, target); } else { // Square format image. var actualMaxHeight = $$.actualMaxHeight(image, target); var smallest = $$.actualMaxWidth(image, target); if (!smallest || (actualMaxHeight && smallest && actualMaxHeight < smallest)) { smallest = actualMaxHeight; } if (smallest && image.width() > smallest) { image.width(smallest); image.height(smallest); } } } }; /** * Center main image in window. */ $$.centerImageInWindow = function(image) { var target = $('.exposureTarget'); target.width(image.width()).height(image.height()); target.css({ 'top' : ($(window).height()-target.outerHeight(true))/2, 'left' : ($(window).width()-target.outerWidth(true))/2 }); $('.exposureLastImage').each(function() { $(this).css({ 'top' : (target.height()-$(this).height())/2, 'left' : (target.width()-$(this).width())/2 }); }); }; /** * Fit image to maxWidth. */ $$.fitToMaxWidth = function(image, target) { var actualMaxWidth = $$.actualMaxWidth(image, target); if (actualMaxWidth && image.width() > actualMaxWidth) { // Calculate new height to maintain aspect ratio. var newHeight = Math.round(actualMaxWidth * image.height()/image.width()); image.height(newHeight); // Shrink to maxWidth. image.width(actualMaxWidth); } }; /** * Fit image to maxHeight. */ $$.fitToMaxHeight = function(image, target) { var actualMaxHeight = $$.actualMaxHeight(image, target); if (actualMaxHeight && image.height() > actualMaxHeight) { // Calculate new width to maintain aspect ratio. var newWidth = Math.round(actualMaxHeight * image.width()/image.height()); image.width(newWidth); // Shrink to maxHeight. image.height(actualMaxHeight); } }; /** * Resize target container element to fit image. */ $$.resizeContainer = function(img) { // Resize image according to maxWidth and maxHeight settings. $$.fitToMaxSize(img); // Resize target element to fit image. if (!$.exposure.fixedContainerSize) { $('.exposureTarget').show().width(img.width()).height(img.height()); } }; // Extend with public functions. These can be called from your gallery using $.exposure.nameOfFunction(). $.extend({exposure : { /** * Calculate the page number of a specific image. * * @param index Index of image to get page number for. */ pageNumberForImage : function(index) { return Math.ceil((index + 1) / $.exposure.pageSize); }, /** * Calculate the total number of pages using the set page size. */ numberOfPages : function() { // Calculate the page number for the last image. return $.exposure.pageNumberForImage($$.images.length-1); }, /** * Check if the the page currently being viewed is the first page. */ atFirstPage : function() { return $$.currentPage === 1; }, /** * Check if the the page currently being viewed is the last page. */ atLastPage : function() { return $$.currentPage === $.exposure.numberOfPages(); }, /** * Check if an image is the first image on its page. * * @param index Index of image to check. Will default to image currently being viewed if not set. */ firstImageOnPage : function(index) { if (!index) { index = $$.current; } return $.exposure.pageSize === 1 || (index % $.exposure.pageSize === 0); }, /** * Check if the an image is the last image on its page. * * @param index Index of image to check. Will default to image currently being viewed if not set. */ lastImageOnPage : function(index) { if (!index) { index = $$.current; } var imageCount = $$.images.length; if ($.exposure.pageSize === 1 || imageCount === 1) { return true; } if (index > 0) { var currentPageSize = $.exposure.pageSize; var currentPage = $.exposure.pageNumberForImage(index); if (currentPage === $.exposure.numberOfPages()) { // Calculate the size of the last page as it may differ from the set page size. var newPageSize = imageCount % $.exposure.pageSize; if (newPageSize > 0) { currentPageSize = newPageSize; } } var imageIndex = index; if (currentPage > 1) { imageIndex -= (currentPage-1) * $.exposure.pageSize; } // Check if the current image is the last image of the current page. return (imageIndex+1) % currentPageSize === 0; } return false; }, /** * Get the number of the current page. */ currentPage : function() { return $$.currentPage; }, /** * Get the number of images. */ numberOfImages : function() { return $$.images.length; }, /** * Check if the image currently being viewed is the first image. */ atFirstImage : function() { return $$.current === 0; }, /** * Check if the image currently being viewed is the last image. */ atLastImage : function() { return $$.current === $.exposure.numberOfImages()-1; }, /** * Get a spefic image object from the images array. * * @param index Index of image to get. */ getImage : function(index) { if (index !== null && index > -1 && index < $$.images.length) { return $$.images[index]; } return null; }, /** * Get the index of the image with the specified image source. * * @param src Source of the image to get index for. */ indexOfImage : function(src) { if (src && $$.defined($$.sources[src])) { return $$.sources[src]; } return -1; }, /** * Get the index of the current image. */ currentImage : function() { return $$.current; }, /** * Dynamically add an image to the gallery. * * @param src Source to the full size image. * @param thumb Source to thumbnail version of the image. * @param caption Image caption. * @param data Extra image data. */ addImage : function(src, thumb, caption, data) { var pageCount = $.exposure.numberOfPages(); var index = $$.newImage(src, thumb, caption, data); if (index > -1) { var pageNumber = $.exposure.pageNumberForImage(index); var containers = $('.exposureThumbs li[rel="'+ pageNumber + '"]'); if (containers.length) { containers.removeClass('last'); } // Recreate paging if a new page needs to be added. var newPageAdded = pageNumber > pageCount; if (newPageAdded) { // Make sure paging container is empty. $('.exposurePaging').empty(); $$.createPaging(); } if (newPageAdded || pageNumber === $$.currentPage) { // Reload the current page. $.exposure.goToPage($$.currentPage); } } }, /** * Dynamically remove a specific image from the gallery. * * @param index Index of image to remove. */ removeImage : function(index) { if ($$.images.length === 1) { $.exposure.removeAllImages(); } else { if ($.exposure.enableSlideshow) { $.exposure.pauseSlideshow(); } var oldPageCount = $.exposure.numberOfPages(); // Remove the image from the list of images. $$.images.splice(index, 1); // Remove the image from the loadQueue. var queueIndex = $.inArray(index, $$.loadQueue); if (queueIndex > -1) { $$.loadQueue.splice(queueIndex, 1); } // Remove thumbnail and container. var container = $.exposure.getThumb(index).parent(); container.remove(); // Update thumbnail containers. $('.exposureThumbs > li').each(function(i) { if (i >= index) { // Update page number in rel attribute. var newRel = $.exposure.pageNumberForImage(i); $(this).attr('rel', newRel); // Update index number in rel attribute of image. $(this).find('img').attr('rel', i); // Update first/last classes if ($.exposure.firstImageOnPage(i)) { $(this).addClass('first'); } else { $(this).removeClass('first'); } if ($.exposure.lastImageOnPage(i)) { $(this).addClass('last'); } else { $(this).removeClass('last'); } if ($$.currentPage === newRel) { $(this).show(); } else { $(this).hide(); } } }); // Recreate paging links. var pageRemoved = $.exposure.numberOfPages < oldPageCount; if (pageRemoved) { // Make sure paging container is empty. $('.exposurePaging').empty(); $$.createPaging(); } if ($$.current === index) { // Skip to next image if the deleting image was the currently viewed image. $$.current = -1; var nextIndex = index; if (index === $.exposure.numberOfImages()) { nextIndex = 0; } $.exposure.viewImage(nextIndex); } } }, /** * Removes all images from the gallery. Usable when dynamically rebuilding the gallery from scratch. */ removeAllImages : function() { $$.images = []; $$.sources = {}; $$.loadQueue = []; if ($.exposure.enableSlideshow) { $.exposure.pauseSlideshow(); } $('.exposureThumbs').empty(); $('.exposurePaging').empty(); $.exposure.viewImage(0); }, /** * Get the thumbnail img element for a specific image. * * @param index Index of image to find thumbnail for. */ getThumb : function(index) { return $('.exposureThumbs img[rel="'+index+'"]'); }, /** * Get the index of the next image. */ getNextImage : function() { if ($$.current === $$.images.length-1) { // Is at last image, return first image. if ($.exposure.loop) { return 0; } else { // Loop ended callback. $.exposure.onEndOfLoop(); } } else { // Return next image. return $$.current+1; } return null; }, /** * Get the index of the previous image. */ getPrevImage : function() { if ($$.current === 0) { // Is at first image, return last image. if ($.exposure.loop) { return $$.images.length-1; } } else { // Return previous image. return $$.current-1; } return null; }, /** * View a specific page. * * @param page Number of the page to view. * @param imageToView Index of the image to view (defaults to viewing first image on page if this parameter isn't set). */ goToPage : function(page, imageToView) { if ($$.validPage(page)) { // Hide all thumbnail containers. $('.exposureThumbs li').removeClass('current').hide(); $$.loadPage(page, imageToView); if (!$.exposure.imageControls) { $$.updatePaging(page); } $$.currentPage = page; if ($.exposure.showControls) { if ($.exposure.atFirstPage()) { // Disable first page button. if ($.exposure.controls.firstLast) { $('.exposureFirstPage').addClass('disabled'); } // Hide previous page button. if (!$.exposure.loop && $.exposure.controls.prevNext) { $('.exposurePrevPage').hide(); } } else { // Enable first page button. if ($.exposure.controls.firstLast) { $('.exposureFirstPage').removeClass('disabled'); } // Show previous page button. if (!$.exposure.loop && $.exposure.controls.prevNext) { $('.exposurePrevPage').show(); } } if ($.exposure.atLastPage()) { // Disable last page button. if ($.exposure.controls.firstLast) { $('.exposureLastPage').addClass('disabled'); } // Hide next page button. if (!$.exposure.loop && $.exposure.controls.prevNext) { $('.exposureNextPage').hide(); } } else { // Enable last page button. if ($.exposure.controls.firstLast) { $('.exposureLastPage').removeClass('disabled'); } // Show next page button. if (!$.exposure.loop && $.exposure.controls.prevNext) { $('.exposureNextPage').show(); } } } // Page changed callback. if (!$.exposure.carouselControls) { $.exposure.onPageChanged(); } } }, /** * View the first page. */ firstPage : function() { if (!$.exposure.atFirstPage()) { $.exposure.goToPage(1); } }, /** * View the last page. */ lastPage : function() { if (!$.exposure.atLastPage()) { $.exposure.goToPage($.exposure.numberOfPages()); } }, /** * View the previous page. */ prevPage : function() { if (!$.exposure.atFirstPage()) { // Go to previous page. $.exposure.goToPage($$.currentPage-1); } else if ($.exposure.loop) { // At first page, go to last page. $.exposure.goToPage($.exposure.numberOfPages()); } }, /** * View the next page. */ nextPage : function() { if (!$.exposure.atLastPage()) { // Go to next page. $.exposure.goToPage($$.currentPage+1); } else if ($.exposure.loop) { // At last page, go back to first page. $.exposure.goToPage(1); } }, /** * View a specific image. * * @param Index of image to view. */ viewImage : function(index) { if ($$.current !== index) { if ($.exposure.enableSlideshow && !$$.slideshowTransition) { $.exposure.pauseSlideshow(); } var wrapper = $('.exposureWrapper'); var validImage = false; var image = $$.images[index]; if (image) { var src = image.src; var caption = image.caption; var extraImageData = image.data; if (src) { validImage = true; var hasThumb = $.exposure.showThumbs; var thumb = null; if ($.exposure.showThumbs) { thumb = $('.exposureThumbs img[rel="' + index + '"]'); hasThumb = thumb && thumb.length; // Light up active thumbnail. if (hasThumb) { thumb.parent().siblings().removeClass('active'); thumb.parent().addClass('active'); } else { $('.exposureThumbs li.active').removeClass('active'); } } // Show loading animation. wrapper.parent().removeClass('exposureLoaded'); if ($$.loaded(index)) { // Hide loading animation if image already loaded. wrapper.parent().addClass('exposureLoaded'); } var img = $$.loadImage(index, function() { var lastImage = wrapper.find('.exposureImage'); if (lastImage.length) { lastImage.removeClass('exposureCurrentImage'); lastImage.addClass('exposureLastImage'); } $(this).addClass('exposureCurrentImage'); wrapper.append($(this)); // Enable browsing by clicking on the image. if ($.exposure.clickingNavigation) { $(this).click($.exposure.nextImage); } if (!$(this).width() || !$(this).height()) { // Workaround for bug caused by AdBlock plugin for Chrome and Safari: // http://code.google.com/p/adblockforchrome/issues/detail?id=3701 var i = $(this); var delay = setInterval(function() { $$.resizeContainer(i); clearTimeout(delay); }, 2); } else { $$.resizeContainer($(this)); } // Image is supposed to be viewed in full screen. if ($.exposure.fullScreen && !$$.infullScreen) { $.exposure.onEnterFullScreen($('.exposureMask')); $$.infullScreen = true; } // Add caption and additional image data. var imageDataContainer = $.exposure.dataTarget ? $($.exposure.dataTarget) : wrapper.siblings('.exposureData'); if (imageDataContainer.length) { if ($.exposure.showCaptions) { // Add caption to image data container. var captionContainer = imageDataContainer.find('.caption'); if (captionContainer.length) { // Remove current caption from container. captionContainer.empty(); if (!caption && hasThumb) { // Extract caption from thumbnail. caption = thumb.attr('title'); } } captionContainer.html(caption); } if ($.exposure.showExtraData) { // Add extra image data to image data container. var extraImageDataContainer = imageDataContainer.find('.extra'); if (extraImageDataContainer.length) { // Remove current data from container. extraImageDataContainer.empty(); if (!extraImageData && hasThumb) { // Extract data from thumbnail. extraImageData = thumb.data('data'); } extraImageDataContainer.html(extraImageData); } } } // Image loaded callback. $.exposure.onImage($(this), imageDataContainer, thumb); // Preload next image. $$.preloadNextInQueue(); }); } } if (!validImage) { wrapper.siblings().andSelf().empty(); $('.exposureThumbs li.active').removeClass('active'); } if ($.exposure.imageControls) { var page = $.exposure.pageNumberForImage(index); if ($$.currentPage !== page && !$$.pageTransition) { $.exposure.goToPage(page, index); } $$.updatePaging(index+1); } $$.current = index; // If using carousel controls make sure to properly update the thumbnails. if ($.exposure.carouselControls && $$.images.length > $.exposure.pageSize) { var firstVisibleImage = index; var lastVisibleImage = $.exposure.pageSize-1; var flooredVisibleImages = Math.floor($.exposure.pageSize/2); if (!$.exposure.loop && index < flooredVisibleImages) { firstVisibleImage = 0; } else if (!$.exposure.loop && index >= ($$.images.length - flooredVisibleImages)) { lastVisibleImage = $$.images.length-1; firstVisibleImage = lastVisibleImage - $.exposure.pageSize; } else { firstVisibleImage -= flooredVisibleImages; lastVisibleImage = firstVisibleImage + $.exposure.pageSize-1; } $.exposure.onCarousel(firstVisibleImage, lastVisibleImage); $('.exposureThumbs li').removeClass('current').hide(); $$.viewThumbs(firstVisibleImage, lastVisibleImage); $$.currentPage = $.exposure.pageNumberForImage(index); } } }, /** * View first image. */ firstImage : function() { if (!$.exposure.atFirstImage()) { if ($.exposure.separatePageBrowsing || $.exposure.atFirstPage()) { $.exposure.viewImage(0); } else { $.exposure.goToPage(1); } } }, /** * View next image. */ nextImage : function() { if (!$.exposure.separatePageBrowsing && $.exposure.lastImageOnPage()) { if ($.exposure.atLastPage() && $.exposure.loop) { // At the last page, go back to first page. $.exposure.goToPage(1); } else { // Go to the next page. $.exposure.goToPage($$.currentPage+1); } // Next image callback. $.exposure.onNext(); } else { var next = $.exposure.getNextImage(); if (next !== null) { // Select next image. $.exposure.viewImage(next); // Next image callback. $.exposure.onNext(); } } var nextNext = $.exposure.getNextImage(); if (nextNext !== null) { // Add second next image to load queue. $$.addToLoadQueue(nextNext); } }, /** * View previous image. */ prevImage : function() { if (!$.exposure.separatePageBrowsing && $.exposure.firstImageOnPage()) { if ($.exposure.atFirstPage() && $.exposure.loop) { // At the first page, go to the last page. $.exposure.goToPage($.exposure.numberOfPages(), $.exposure.numberOfImages()-1); } else { // Go to the previous page. var page = $$.currentPage-1; $.exposure.goToPage(page, page * $.exposure.pageSize - 1); } // Previous image callback. $.exposure.onPrev(); } else { var prev = $.exposure.getPrevImage(); if (prev !== null) { // Select next image. $.exposure.viewImage(prev); // Previous image callback. $.exposure.onPrev(); } } var prevPrev = $.exposure.getPrevImage(); if (prevPrev !== null) { // Add second previous image to load queue. $$.addToLoadQueue(prevPrev); } }, /** * View last image. */ lastImage : function() { if (!$.exposure.atLastImage()) { if ($.exposure.separatePageBrowsing || $.exposure.atLastPage()) { $.exposure.viewImage($.exposure.numberOfImages()-1); } else { $.exposure.goToPage($.exposure.numberOfPages(), $.exposure.numberOfImages()-1); } } }, /** * Play the slideshow. */ playSlideshow : function() { if (!$$.playingSlideshow) { if ($.exposure.slideshowControlsTarget) { $('.exposurePlaySlideshow').hide(); $('.exposurePauseSlideshow').show(); } $$.slideshow(); $$.playingSlideshow = true; } $.exposure.onSlideshowPlayed(); }, /** * Pause the slideshow. */ pauseSlideshow : function() { if ($$.playingSlideshow) { if ($.exposure.slideshowControlsTarget) { $('.exposurePlaySlideshow').show(); $('.exposurePauseSlideshow').hide(); } $$.playingSlideshow = false; if ($$.slideshowTimer) { clearTimeout($$.slideshowTimer); } $.exposure.onSlideshowPaused(); } }, /** * Toggle (play/pause) */ toggleSlideshow : function() { if ($$.playingSlideshow) { $.exposure.pauseSlideshow(); } else { $.exposure.playSlideshow(); } }, /** * Go to first image/page depending on imageControls setting. */ first : function() { if ($.exposure.imageControls) { $.exposure.firstImage(); } else { $.exposure.firstPage(); } }, /** * Go to previous image/page depending on imageControls setting. */ prev : function() { if ($.exposure.imageControls) { $.exposure.prevImage(); } else { $.exposure.prevPage(); } }, /** * Go to next image/page depending on imageControls setting. */ next : function() { if ($.exposure.imageControls) { $.exposure.nextImage(); } else { $.exposure.nextPage(); } }, /** * Go to last image/page depending on imageControls setting. */ last : function() { if ($.exposure.imageControls) { $.exposure.lastImage(); } else { $.exposure.lastPage(); } }, /** * Leave full screen mode. */ exitFullScreen : function() { if ($$.infullScreen) { $.exposure.pauseSlideshow(); $$.deselectCurrentImage(); $.exposure.onExitFullScreen($('.exposureTarget'), $('.exposureMask')); $$.infullScreen = false; } }, /** * Fit images to window (used in full screen mode). */ fitToWindow : function() { $.exposure.maxWidth = $(window).width(); $.exposure.maxHeight = $(window).height(); var image = $('.exposureCurrentImage').width('auto').height('auto'); $$.fitToMaxSize(image); if (!image.width() || !image.height()) { // Workaround for bug caused by AdBlock plugin for Chrome and Safari: // http://code.google.com/p/adblockforchrome/issues/detail?id=3701 var delay = setInterval(function() { $$.centerImageInWindow(image); clearTimeout(delay); }, 2); } else { $$.centerImageInWindow(image); } }, /** * Default texts. Use the localization files to override these. */ texts : { first : 'First', previous : 'Prev', next : 'Next', last : 'Last', play : 'Play slideshow', pause : 'Pause slideshow' } } }); })(jQuery); /* * jQuery Hotkeys Plugin * Copyright 2010, John Resig * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses. * * Based upon the plugin by Tzury Bar Yochay: * http://github.com/tzuryby/hotkeys * * Original idea by: * Binny V A, http://www.openjs.com/scripts/events/keyboard_shortcuts/ */ (function(jQuery){jQuery.hotkeys={version:"0.8",specialKeys:{8:"backspace",9:"tab",13:"return",16:"shift",17:"ctrl",18:"alt",19:"pause",20:"capslock",27:"esc",32:"space",33:"pageup",34:"pagedown",35:"end",36:"home",37:"left",38:"up",39:"right",40:"down",45:"insert",46:"del",96:"0",97:"1",98:"2",99:"3",100:"4",101:"5",102:"6",103:"7",104:"8",105:"9",106:"*",107:"+",109:"-",110:".",111:"/",112:"f1",113:"f2",114:"f3",115:"f4",116:"f5",117:"f6",118:"f7",119:"f8",120:"f9",121:"f10",122:"f11",123:"f12",144:"numlock",145:"scroll",191:"/",224:"meta"},shiftNums:{"`":"~","1":"!","2":"@","3":"#","4":"$","5":"%","6":"^","7":"&","8":"*","9":"(","0":")","-":"_","=":"+",";":": ","'":"\"",",":"<",".":">","/":"?","\\":"|"}};function keyHandler(handleObj){if(typeof handleObj.data!=="string"){return}var origHandler=handleObj.handler,keys=handleObj.data.toLowerCase().split(" ");handleObj.handler=function(event){if(this!==event.target&&(/textarea|select/i.test(event.target.nodeName)||event.target.type==="text")){return}var special=event.type!=="keypress"&&jQuery.hotkeys.specialKeys[event.which],character=String.fromCharCode(event.which).toLowerCase(),key,modif="",possible={};if(event.altKey&&special!=="alt"){modif+="alt+"}if(event.ctrlKey&&special!=="ctrl"){modif+="ctrl+"}if(event.metaKey&&!event.ctrlKey&&special!=="meta"){modif+="meta+"}if(event.shiftKey&&special!=="shift"){modif+="shift+"}if(special){possible[modif+special]=true}else{possible[modif+character]=true;possible[modif+jQuery.hotkeys.shiftNums[character]]=true;if(modif==="shift+"){possible[jQuery.hotkeys.shiftNums[character]]=true}}for(var i=0,l=keys.length;i